Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello, April!

Hope this finds all of you well. Kylie and I are doing great--very busy with work and school--but all is well. We are continuing to be patient in our journey to bring our little guy home. We were hugely blessed last weekend at Blue Seven's 9th Birthday Bash. So many people we hold near and dear to our hearts came out to help us fundraise, and we were quickly reminded that we are truly blessed by the good people. We cannot express the gratitude we have for all of you who came out and celebrated with and supported us. Your contributions were more than we could ever hope for, and your continued love and support are awesome.

We are ready for summer vacation! It's hard to believe April is here, and summer months are just around the corner. I am currently in the middle of tennis season, and Kylie is finishing up her semester. She will begin her internship in the fall and her last year of graduate school. All of these things keep our minds busy as we continue to pray and anticipate the arrival of our little guy.

We are headed to Austin this weekend to celebrate the marriage of two of our best friends. We hope to get to Dimmitt this month to visit the Webb and Baker clan. I think we could both benefit from some of Rhenea's home cooking. This weekend also brings my best friend Jonathon home from Kuwait. We have been waiting for this day for quite some time and are so glad it's finally here. We can't wait to celebrate with Emily and Jo.

That's about all that's going on in our neck of the woods. We hope you're all doing well and are looking forward to the (much) warmer weather. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we get closer to our home study and patiently make our way through this amazing journey.

Lots of love,
Eric and Kylie adoption,

1 comment:

  1. I love that you guys have a blog! Keep the posts coming :) Love ya'll.
